Joyce Rackham
Honorary Life Member

Jonathan Ray
Jonathan is drinks editor of The Spectator and the regular drinks columnist for The Field, Spear’s and Boat International. He has written a dozen books on wines and spirits and is a co-founding director of the Brighton Spirits Company, producers of fine Brighton Gin.

Peter Richards MW
Peter Richards is well known as a Master of Wine, TV presenter, author, writer, event host and all-round bad influence. Married to fellow MW Susie Barrie, theirs is a curious and delicious household of popping corks, clattering cutlery and clinking glasses

Jancis Robinson MW, OBE
Jancis has been writing about wine since December 1975 and has won countless awards. She writes daily for, weekly for the Financial Times and writes a bi-monthly column that is syndicated around the world. She is responsible for The Oxford Companion to Wine, The World Atlas of Wine and too much else.

Mick Rock
Owner and principal photographer of Cephas Picture Library, Mick has specialised in photographing the world’s wine industry since 1985. Clients can search for photos and download hi-res files (with detailed captions). Always interested in discussing collaborative projects.

Caroline Roddis
Awaiting details

Bruno Roncarati
Awaiting details

Maggie Rosen
Awaiting details

Richard Ross
Awaiting details

Quentin Sadler
Quentin is a very popular speaker at wine clubs and consumer events. He teaches WSET qualifications and designs and delivers bespoke courses. He creates restaurant wine lists, retail ranges, writes back-labels, wine descriptions and is an accomplished wine cartographer.

Liz Sagues
Wine writer and lecturer, wine columnist for the Ham&High Series of newspapers in north and north west London, twice winner of the Roederer Regional Wine Writer of the Year award, member of the CWW committee. Author of "A Celebration of English Wine" (Robert Hale, 2018) and of "Sussex by the Glass: Wines, Vines and Two Pioneering Families" (Tanwood Press, 2021).

Sumita Sarma
Sumita is a wine journalist and communicator. Owner of Sumilier Private Tastings. As a wine educator, she focuses on food and wine pairings, particularly Asian and healthy plant based foods, bringing together her cultural heritage, passion for fitness and wine expertise into one platform.

Helen Savage
Awaiting details

Michael Schuster
Michael is an independent writer, consultant and lecturer. He is a regular contributor to The World of Fine Wine and has run his own wine school for 35 years. He chairs the Jury of Riga’s Wines of the Year competition, and in 2002 was elected to the Académie Internationale du Vin.

Joanna Simon
Writer, presenter, author, competition judge and event host, Joanna is well known for her 22 years on The Sunday Times and expertise in wine & food matching; co-founder of The Wine Gang; contributor to The World of Fine Wine, Decanter et al.

Stephen Skelton MW
Stephen Skelton MW is an expert on English and Welsh wines, having spent over 40 years involved with its production in one way or another. He is a Master of Wine, a viticultural consultant and published author and wine journalist.

Victor Smart
Victor Smart writes regularly for publications such as the on-trade’s The Buyer and Financial Times specialist publications. He has worked on the staff of national media, including the Observer, and appeared as a pundit on BBC, Sky News and CNN.

Olly Smith
Olly is a drinks expert, writer & broadcaster. He is the wine expert for BBC1's Saturday Kitchen, wine columnist for The Mail on Sunday and host of his own drinks podcast 'A Glass With'. He is a WSET ambassador.

Tom Stevenson
A British author who has specialised in Champagne for almost 40 years and other sparkling wines for 20 years, Tom Stevenson has written 25 books, won 33 literary awards, including America’s only lifetime achievement award and has been inducted into the New York Wine Media Guild’s Hall of Fame. A new edition of his Sotheby’s Wine Encyclopedia is due to be published by National Geographic in 2020.

Paul Strang
Generally the expert on the wines of South-West France, his last book on the subject was awarded a gourmand Prize. He is equally expert on the wines of the Midi, and area, which is the subject of his new book ‘Languedoc-Roussillon the Wines and Winemakers’

Tal Sunderland-Cohen
The “Israeli Wine Ambassador”, Tal is a consultant, educator and author. Wine correspondent at Globes for 10 years; Honorary Israeli President and international Magistral Council Member of the Chaine des Rotisseurs; "Man of the Year 2018" at Wino Magazine.

Mike Turner
Wine blogger and vlogger, based in North London. Interests include both wines and spirits, with Bordeaux, Cognac, Armagnac, and England as main areas of interest. Also run a private sales wine company, 20h33, and owner of a restaurant in Primrose Hill, available for wine events.

Janet Wang
Janet’s main interest is wine themes that enhance understanding between Eastern and Western audiences. Janet is the author of The Chinese Wine Renaissance: a wine lover’s companion (Ebury Press, Penguin Randomhouse), a contributor to Decanter China and blogs on

Luisa Welch
Luisa a wine educator, judge and communicator, holds the WSET Diploma and is an AWE member. She set up Euposia Wine Education 20 years ago, runs in-person and on-line wine groups and holds regular monthly events for corporate clients. Luisa contributes to a number of trade and consumer publications and is a specialist on Italian wines, also she confesses that her true love lies with Burgundy.

Lilyane Weston
French born, DipWSET, Rouyer Guillet Educational Trophy. Lilyane has been a freelance wine writer and consultant for over forty years. She regularly judges several UK and international wine competitions. She specialises in French and South American wines.

Paul White
Former Oregonian, Dr. Paul White has also lived in New Zealand and France. He’s judged 60+ international wine competitions and visited 60+ wine regions. Specializations include: endangered & rare grapes, Sauvignon Blanc culture, Portugal and Amphora winemaking.

Gilbert Winfield
Gilbert is a London-based experienced wine writer and educator. He hosts regular private and public wine tastings, writes a blog and posts regularly on Instagram and Twitter, as well as occasional work as a wine expert on Sky News.

Ian Wisniewski
Awaiting details.

Clive Witcomb
Clive lives in Birmingham and is a senior member of the sales team at Berkmann Wine Cellars. He writes a monthly article for a chain of hotels and is a regular speaker at wine themed dinners and events.

Jon Wyand
Jon first photographed vineyards and winemakers in 1979 and has been addicted ever since. He has enough passion and skill to win 4 Roederer Artistry awards and Pink Lady/Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year twice. Specialised in Burgundy since 1999